Population #ac. impr. #ac. unimpr. Own or District # Page Name Schedule (tilled/ (forest/ Rent? SD/ED Pg/HH# pasture) fields) 1 Johnson, Mary 1/3 8 4 owns 1 Newton, J J (enumerator) 1/1 15 213 owns 1 Williams, A E 1/4 16 185 owns 1 Leavings, Lydia 1/5 10 owns 1 Owens, J J 1/6 14 owns 1 Owens, Saml 1/7 30 225 owns 1 Gavins, Stephen 1/7 20 owns **Stephen Gavins not assigned separate household # on pop. schedule. 1 Gavins, S G 1/8 29 owns 1 Gavins, C L 2/9 20 owns 1 Paul, William 2/10 8 owns 2 Davis, Henry 2/11 15 owns 2 Ellis, Jos. 2/12 40 120 owns 2 Hagan, Calvin 2/13 12 121 owns 2 Pate, Alex 2/14 2 368 owns 2 Burkett, P L 2/15 37 95 owns 2 Yates, J J?/I? 3/17 12 owns 2 Riley, Thos. 3/19 30 140 owns 2 Linsey, Wm. 3/20 10 owns 2 Whittaker, B F 3/22 31 93 owns 3 Buttram, E A 3/23 40 280 owns 3 Perkins, J J 3/24 25 42 owns 3 Whittaker, S T 4/25 25 owns 3 Hathaway, J M L 4/28 11 owns 3 Taylor, Jasper 4/30 40 260 owns 3 Lee, M E 4/31 40 140 owns 3 Register, J M 5/33 33 335 rents/fixed amt 3 Lolly, H L 5/36 10 owns 3 McRone, J M 5/40 28 104 owns 3 Walker, A J 6/41 30 40 owns 4 Creel, J 6/42 30 owns 4 Tindell, Moses 6/44 25 190 owns 4 Tindell, A S 6/45 30 owns 4 Worley, Elias 6/47 20 110 owns 4 Worley, Jno. 6/48 105 270 owns 4 Carnley, Seley 6/51 15 owns 4 Collins, G 7/52 37 800 owns 4 Kirkling, G M 7/53 10 owns 4 Bolwin, Watson 7/54 15 owns 5 Register, J A 7/57 50 211 owns 5 Register, W J (W G) 8/62 16 owns 5 Tool, C J 7/56 60 162 owns 5 Register, J A 8/61 16 owns 5 Rich, R B 8/67 52 owns 5 Tindell, Henry 9/70 70 owns 5 Tindell, Seaborn 9/71 20 20 owns 5 Williams, Ashley 9/72 25 owns 5 Grace, Jeff 9/73 11 owns 6 Williams, J R 9/74 20 owns 6 Williams, J S 9/76 27 owns 6 Williams, J W 10/77 30 rents on shares 6 Williams, Wm. ? 50 253 owns 6 Harrell, H H 10/78 25 152 owns 6 Williams, G F ? 50 130 owns 6 Brown, J W 10/81 & 84 26 owns 6 Hathaway, B F 28/227 25 300 owns 7 Williams, J L 10/82 30 owns 7 Fullford, Randal 11/86 40 owns 7 Harell, J H 11/87 20 owns 7 Harell, S E J 11/87 (sic) 14 owns **Household number 87 used twice - for J H Harrell and for S E J Harrell. 7 Harell, D L 11/88 4 owns 7 Williams, J M 10/85 15 owns 7 Jackson, Gillis 11/89 30 30 owns 7 Kelley, Gabrok (Gabriel) 11/92 20 owns 7 Williams, W H 12/94 25 owns 8 Williams, L M 12/95 45 owns 8 Williams, Jos. 12/96 150 10 owns 8 Grubbs, W H 12/98 10 owns 8 Keith, W T 12/99 15 owns 8 Davis, J D 12/100 20 152 owns 8 Berry, J S 13/103 44 owns 8 Busbey, W J 13/102 15 228 owns 8 Cooper, W H 13/104 35 owns 8 Babb, J H 13/102 39 owns **J H Babb was listed in household of W J Busbey on the pop. schedule. 9 Busbey, Miles 13/101 22 56 owns 9 Tucker, Jordan 27/221 5 35 owns 9 Davis, Wesley 13/105 50 owns 9 Davis, H J 13/107 43 15 owns 9 Osborn, Miles 14/110 12 owns 9 Holly, S A 14/115 25 owns 9 Forehand, Johnson 14/116 12 owns 9 Stephenson, H M 14/117 27 owns 9 Leavins, J R 15/118 25 owns 10 Deavens (Leavins), Richmond 15/119 65 80 owns 10 Chance, Y M ? 8 152 owns 10 Pitts, J H ? 50 170 rents/fixed price 10 Pitts, JC and G W 15/120-121 70 owns 10 Alsobrooks, C D 16/123 15 owns 10 Pitts, J G 16/124 60 owns 10 Leavins, Jas 17/132 25 135 owns 10 Williams, R E 18/140 18 owns 11 Boswell, Wilson 18/141 15 owns 11 Paul, D J 19/148 23 142 owns 11 Wilcox, Mark 19/149 71 owns 11 Pitts, Benj 19/151 23 owns 11 Forehand, Amos 19/152 34 38 owns 11 Forehand, Willis 19/154 20 owns 11 Forehand, Ashley 20/155 8 owns 11 Chapman, Susan? 20/156? 24 owns **Nathaniel Chapman in this slot between Ashley Forehand and A L Dyson **on pop. sched. Another Nathaniel Chapman and wife S at 23/190. 11 Dyson, A L 20/157 36 140 owns 12 Hathaway, J W 20/158 12 37 owns 12 Brett, W H 20/160 37 owns 12 Dyson, F M 20/159 - rents on shares 12 Harris, J N 20/162 50 137 owns 12 Hewett, J M 21/164 120 owns 12 Dyson, Olive 21/166 15 owns 12 Hewett, A L 21/168 15 owns 12 Hewett, E D 21/169 4 owns 12 Sellers, S P 21/173 85 85 owns 13 Harris, W S 22/175 4 owns 13 Barrentine, J W 22/178 8 owns 13 Chapman, Moses 22/179 15 - - ? 13 French, Richd 22/181 19 owns 13 French, Saml 22/182 5 owns 13 Harris, G H 23/187 180 250 owns 13 Calk, J S 22/183 250 450 owns 13 Cook, Wesley 23/186 56 40 owns 13 Barnes, Wm 23/185 50 90 owns 14 Newton, Reuben 23/188 39 130 owns 14 Chapman, Nathaniel 23/190 45 120 owns 14 Mattox, Bethel 23/191 2 80 owns 14 Magoss, E A (Majors) 23/192 40 130 owns 14 Hickman, J S 23/183 8 owns **Note: He is listed in household of J S Calk. 14 Curry, Rebekah ? 15 40 owns **Note: There is a Rebecca Faircloth at 24/196 adjacent S S Curry. 14 Curry, Whitemill 24/193? 70 600 owns **Note: He may be the Whitmill Hickmon listed at 24/193. 14 Curry, S S 24/195 10 32 owns 14 Tucker, J L 24/198 17 owns 15 Mattox, Jno 24/199 31 owns 15 Mattox, Aaron 24/200 34 owns 15 Mattox, J J 24/201 12 80 owns 15 Dickson, Bryant 25/204 42 owns 15 Brock, T W 25/205 8 72 owns 15 Newberry, J N 25/206 60 230 owns 15 Hagan, W J 25/207 90 88 owns 15 Johnson, Geo 25/209 35 55 owns 15 Faircloth, Elbert 26/210 60 79 owns 16 Taylor, Zachariah 26/211 46 owns 16 Cook, Jas 26/212 60 owns 16 McNeil, Asa 26/213 15 385 owns 16 Miller, A J 26/214 37 163 owns 16 Miller, S M 26/215 16 38 owns 16 French, A J 26/216 7 owns 16 Berry, Nathaniel 26/217 10 owns 16 Berry, J W 26/218 20 owns 16 Crews, G W 26/219 44 owns 17 Tucker, Wm 27/220 30 owns 17 Hand, J R 27/223 60 owns 17 McDonald, W J 27/222 175 owns 17 Lewis, H H 27/224 50 owns 17 Britt, Martin 19/153 3 owns 18 Gillis, D D 40/358 20 200 owns 18 Gillis, M G 40/359 - - owns 18 Perkins, J 40/360 10 owns 18 Morrison, B 40/361 15 owns 18 Gillis, S A 37/318 100 220 owns 18 Green, M 37/319 8 owns 18 Morrison, J 37/320 30 90 owns 18 Brown, W M 37/321 40 40 owns 19 Hunter, J T 36/312 20 owns 19 Hunter J 36/313 5 owns 19 Pierson, G W ? 16 owns 19 Aarons (Arrants), W H 36/315 60 675 owns 19 Anderson, D W (Andrews) 36/317? 70 196 owns **Note: there is another D W Andrews at 55/497. 19 Krada (Kasada?), J D 35/305? 12 owns **Note: also a J Karada/Kasada? at 33/279. (Kasada is a form of Cassidy.) 19 Karada (Kasada), C 40/353 3 owns **Note: Calvin Cassidy on 1900 census, Sandy Creek precinct. 19 Karada (Kasada), I 40/354 8 owns **Isham Cassity on 1880 census. 19 Andrews, E? 40/355 36 owns **Note: Alx Anders is between I Kasada and N M Carroll on pop. sched. 19 Carroll, N M 40/356 35 owns 20 Hobbs, H W 34/290 18 owns 20 Watson, J 34/291 20 owns 20 Speir, W M (Spear) 34/296 9 160 owns 20 Green, W F 35/301 75 800 owns 20 Carel, T G (T E) 35/302 5 owns 20 Watson, A 35/303 16 owns 20 Stanley, C M 35/304 56 160 owns 20 Smith, J 35/307 7 180 owns 20 Smith, G W 35/309 14 owns 20 Tagett(sic), D W (W D Pagett) 35/310 12 owns 21 Mickinon, C D 33/276 12? 160 owns 21 Eldrigs, T (P) 33/277 30 160 owns 21 Coleman, J R (Colvin) 33/278 - - owns 21 Gillman, A 33/281 40 owns 21 Peterson, J 33/282 15 owns 21 Morrison, D 33/383 20 owns 21 Morrison, J O 33/284 15 owns 21 Broxson, G T 33/285 12 owns 21 Burgress, T C (Burgess) 33/286 14 owns 21 McFadden, M J 34/287 12 owns 22 Graves, L M 39/351 - - owns 22 Rice, W W 54/489 20 owns 22 Murphy, W 54/490 20 owns 22 Gatlin, J D 54/491 6 owns 22 Ganey, C W 54/492 15 owns 22 Sutton, J S 54/493 10 owns 22 Anderson, J (Andrews) 55/496 75 200 owns 22 Smith, R W 55/498 25 owns 23 Reynolds, G T (C T) 37/323 65 60 owns 23 Andrews, T (Anders) 37/324 26 owns 23 Morrison, B 37/325 25 owns 23 Farmer, H 37/326 30 owns 23 Pagett, H 37/327 30 owns 23 Miller, A 38/328 50 owns 23 Taul (sic), R (Pawl) 38/329 25 owns 23 Ramer, S (Rasner) 38/331 25 owns 23 Mathis, I T (J T) 38/332 20 owns 23 Mathis, Z L 38/334 7 120 owns 24 Andrews, Ira (Anders) 38/335 15 120 owns 24 Parish, A H 38/336 20 80 owns 24 Whitner, M J (Whiten) 38/339 30 owns 24 Balkman, J W (Baulkum) 39/340 35 80 owns 24 Hardy, A 39/344 20 owns 24 Sikes, J 39/346 35 owns 24 Parish, S J (S V) 39/347 15 120 owns 24 Parish, S F T 39/348 7 owns 24 Moore, T B 39/349 20 100 owns 24 Moore, L 39/350 20 200 owns 3/10 25 Shy, Jno. 32/262 20 140 rents/shares 3/10 25 Commander, J S F 30/245 8 owns 3/10 25 Owen, J C 30/247 25 owns 3/10 25 Coventon, M 43/390 15 rents 3/10 25 Prescott, C J 41/364 25 owns 3/10 25 Peacock, E 41/367 65 10 owns 3/10 25 Norris, L A 41/369 10 owns 3/10 25 Carnley, J L 42/379 15 44 owns 3/10 25 Kelly, C R 42/383 60 1 owns 4/10 26 Anderson, D (J D) (black) 31/255 12 owns 4/10 26 Broxton, J (black) 31/252 13 owns 4/10 26 Hunter, J (black) 31/254 20 owns 4/10 26 Sumbling, T C 59/538? 30 120 owns **Is E T (Thecolier) Sumbling same as T C? **Thecolier Summerlin listed adj. James R Hunter (black) & Asa Royals in 1900. 4/10 26 Royels, A 59/539 1 owns 4/10 26 Royal, J 59/540 40 320 owns 4/10 26 Pope, T O 59/541 15 owns 4/10 26 Sumbling, H 59/542 40 owns 4/10 26 Jones, W H 59/545 12 owns 4/10 26 Hatcher, H J? (H G) (black?) 31/256 20 owns 4/10 27 Sumbling, T 31/257? 30 owns **Was a Q for Quitman Summerlin, Thecolier’s brother, miscopied as a T? **Or was Thecolier listed twice, on different days? The people on **pages 31 and 59 appear to be in the same area, around Hurricane Creek. 4/10 27 Pittman, Geo. 59/546 25 180 owns 4/10 27 McDanel (sic) (black) 30/239 8 owns 4/10 27 Broxton, A (black) 30/240 40 owns 4/10 27 Green, R 30/241 30 owns 4/10 27 Powell, J T 30/242 30 80 owns 4/10 27 Dixon, J (black) 30/243 30 owns 4/10 27 Owen, J H 30/244 25 owns 4/10 27 Stafford, J S 31/258 5 owns 4/10 27 Hood, J C 42/384 40 owns 3/10 28 McLendon, J 44/398 50 owns 3/10 28 Henderson, J D 44/396 40 80 owns 3/10 28 Vaughn, A M 44/397 15 owns 3/10 28 Megowan, Alex 44/399 25 143 owns 3/10 28 Bronson, J C (Broxson) 44/402 75 450 owns 3/10 28 Owen, H J 41/363 50 161 owns 3/10 28 Meril, A (black) 43/387 50 owns 3/10 28 Braxton, Lucinda 42/375 8 160 owns 3/10 28 Thomas, W B, Sr 42/376 20 40 owns 3/10 28 Thomas, W B, Jr 42/377 15 owns 1/10 29 Shields, T B 43/389 23 137 owns 1/10 29 Higgins, W R (Huggins) 43/391 30 30 owns 1/10 29 Kitrel, M J 43/392 11 owns 1/10 29 Huggins, J A 41/366 24 100 owns 1/10 29 Clemmons, T 41/368 30 owns 1/10 29 French, R 41/371 25 owns 1/10 29 French, C 41/370 25 owns 1/10 29 Sellers, B E 61/555 60 50 owns 1/10 29 Hewitt, Thomas L 61/561 - - rents/shares 3/10 30 Howell, D 32/273 21 185 owns 3/10 30 Tramel, F (W Tramel) 60/547 20 owns 3/10 30 Howell, B 60/549 40 480 owns 3/10 30 Howell, B B 60/550 10 160 owns 3/10 30 Albrison, S E 60/551 30 98 owns 3/10 30 Wells, T J 12 owns 3/10 30 Carel, S 60/552 7 owns 3/10 30 Reese, T P (L P Beese) 60/553 4 owns 3/10 30 Marlow, G 60/554 3 owns 3/10 30 Koonce, J 59/536 10 owns 1/10 31 Commander, H J 29/228 40 110 owns 1/10 31 Commander, J W 29/229 - - rents/shares 1/10 31 Owens, D J 29/230 - - rents/shares 1/10 31 Covington, J R 29/231 20 owns 1/10 31 Patterson, W G 29/232 20 60 owns 1/10 31 Pittman, T H 29/233 10 owns 1/10 31 Blackmon, J E (Blackmore) 29/235 75 706 owns 1/10 31 Moore, W E 29/236 40 owns 1/10 31 Linton, M 29/237 - - rents/shares 1/10 31 Braxton, Oliver 61/559 23 owns 1/10 32 Pearce, W 31/249 35 200 owns 1/10 32 Renfrow, J M 31/250 5 owns 1/10 32 Cobb, W D 32/263 25 160 owns 1/10 32 Tadlock, B F 32/264 30 owns 1/10 32 Truet?, D ? 2 78 owns **D Smith is between B F Tadlock and A M McGaney on the population schedule. 1/10 32 Megany, A M (McGaney) 32/266 6 80 owns 1/10 32 Chambles, S C 32/268 10 35 owns 1/10 32 Shy, W J 32/269 25 owns 1/10 32 Scott, W J 32/271 5 owns 1/10 32 Scott, W T (W P Scott) 32/272 - - owns 2/10 33 Harris, C H 55/501 40 owns 2/10 33 Sutton, E L 56/506 15 160 owns 2/10 33 Sutton, P M 56/513 10 160 owns 2/10 33 Broxson, A J (Broxton, black) 55/502 - - owns 2/10 33 Broxon, A (Broxton, black) 55/502 - - owns 2/10 33 Waldin, S 56/514 -- owns 2/10 33 Murphy, S 54/490? 40 160 owns 2/10 33 Kelly, J T 48/434 30 160 owns 2/10 33 Horn, W A 48/435 50 160 owns 2/10 33 Flornoy, J 48/438 - - owns 8/10 34 Herrin, J R 51/468 42 220 owns 8/10 34 Vestler, C (Vestland) 52/479 14 80 owns 8/10 34 Feuqua, M A 52/480 - - owns 8/10 34 Neel, D (Neil) 49/448 15 owns 8/10 34 Stanley, A W 49/449 16 160 owns 8/10 34 Jackson, W D 49/450 18 160 owns 8/10 34 Braxton, Thomas P 61/560 6 owns 8/10 34 Scoot, W H (a logger) 63/581 35 owns 8/10 34 Scoot, W W 49/453 100 260 owns 3,11,12/10 35 Brock, J E 63/582 35 413 owns 3,11,12/10 35 Evans, H (sawmilling) 17/134 4 3200 owns 3,11,12/10 35 Brooks, P P (miller) 65/601 - 1920 owns **Brooks & Evans also on manufactures schedule. 12/10 36 Hall, James M 58/531 22 owns 12/10 36 Thomas, Benejann (Benjamin) 58/532 15 35 owns 12/10 36 Hall, Benjamin F 64/595 20 owns 12/10 36 Mayow, Matilda C 65/598 30 95 owns 12/10 36 Hewitt, Robt. F 65/602 35 125 owns 12/10 37 Porter, H H (A A Porter) 64/586 95 200 owns 12/10 37 Neel, Jno 64/588 300 120 owns 12/10 37 Neel, David 64/591 75 100 owns 12/10 37 Godwin, Redie 57/515 8 owns 12/10 37 Cotton, Rebecca 57/520 12 owns 12/10 37 Simmons, Gardner 57/522 13 108 owns 12/10 37 Barnsay, Jno A (Ramsay) 57/526 30 15 owns 12/10 37 Jenkins, Charley 58/528 50 owns 12/10 37 Carnley, Lewis J 58/529 35 owns 12/10 37 Infinger, Absolem 58/530 40 owns 1(sic)/10 38 Brownell, Harriet 62/573 75 owns 1(sic)/10 38 Glass, Wm 63/578 460 320 owns 1(sic)/10 38 Brownell, Angus D 62/576 35 owns 1(sic)/10 38 Brownell, John M 63/579 170 160 owns 1(sic)/10 38 Burnes, Geo. W 63/580 107 340 owns 12/10 39 Hewit, H M 65/603 80 160 owns 12/10 39 Kenedy, Jno W (J W) 66/608 - - owns 12/10 39 Cooey, Wm J (Cooney) 66/612 150 50 owns 12/10 39 Callaham (sic), B H 66/619 18 50 owns 12/10 39 Callaham (sic), Simon B 66/621 30 50 owns 12/10 39 Anderson, Norman 62/565 18 owns 12/10 39 Hobbs, W A 62/566 48 owns 12/10 39 Ramer, Elias J 62/568 60 owns 12/10 39 Bowers, E A 62/570 8 owns 12/10 39 Powell, Ransom 62/571 65 owns end agricultural schedule
This page was last updated on: 11 Mar 2010